Remote Data Backup: Installazione Client Linux
1. Scaricare il client dal sito la versione corretta per la distribuzione Linux in uso
2. Scaricare il file sul sistema Linux oppure
o copiarlo dopo averlo scaricato su un altro computer
3. Eseguire il file come utente root
o attraverso sudo
4. Nel caso del seguente errore
Checking for User Previleges…
The installing user has root previleges.
unzip utility is either not in the path or not available
Please install it and later install Collabra DataBackup 4.4.0 Service
Provider Edition
procedere all’installazione di unzip (nell’esempio l’istallazione è stata fatta su un sistema di tipo Debian, per differenti distribuzioni fare riferimento alle modalità di installazione dei pacchetti specifiche) ed eseguire di nuovo il file di installazione
Lettura elenco dei pacchetti… Fatto
Generazione albero delle dipendenze
Lettura informazioni sullo stato… Fatto
I seguenti pacchetti sono stati installati automaticamente e non sono più richiesti:
libxslt1.1 libpq5 libossp-uuid16
Usare “apt-get autoremove” per rimuoverli.
Pacchetti suggeriti:
I seguenti pacchetti NUOVI saranno installati:
0 aggiornati, 1 installati, 0 da rimuovere e 0 non aggiornati.
È necessario scaricare 190 kB di archivi.
Dopo quest’operazione, verranno occupati 418 kB di spazio su disco.
Scaricamento di:1 squeeze/main unzip amd64
6.0-4 [190 kB]
Recuperati 190 kB in 0s (426 kB/s)
Selezionato il pacchetto unzip.
(Lettura del database… 43707 file e directory attualmente installati.)
Estrazione di unzip (da …/archives/unzip_6.0-4_amd64.deb)…
Elaborazione dei trigger per man-db…
Configurazione di unzip (6.0-4)…
5. Rispondere “1” alla richiesta di tipologia di installazione
Checking for User Previleges…
The installing user has root previleges.
********************************************************************************** Welcome to the installation setup of DataBackup 4.4.0 Online Backup Service **********************************************************************************
********************************************************************************** Choose Collabra DataBackup 4.4.0 Service Provider Edition installation type **********************************************************************************
You can perform two types of installations :
1 – Install Collabra DataBackup 4.4.0 Service Provider Edition by creating a new databackup use
Select this installation type if you would like to configure backup of other user files, system files, mysql database files etc. in the system.
Note that DataBackup will be installed as a daemon process and will automatically start wh
You would need to login as root to install Collabra DataBackup 4.4.0 Service Provider Edition for this type of installation. This type of installation will create“databackup” user with non-root privileges and install the Collabra DataBackup 4.4.0 Service Provider Edition in “/home/databackup” directory.
2 – Install Collabra DataBackup 4.4.0 Service Provider Edition in the current user.
Select this installation type if you would like to install CollabraDataBackup 4.4.0 Service Provider Edition in the current user directorywith current user privileges.
You will be asked to specify the directory in which Collabra DataBackup 4.4.0 Service Provider Edition should be installed later during the installation. Note that DataBackup will be installed in the current user directory and has to be manually started everytime the machine is rebooted.
Please enter your option [1 or 2] 1 **********************************************************************************
6. Il programma di installazione procederà alla creazione dell’utente databackup e richiederà l’immissione di una password
Enter Password for the databackup user
Immettere nuova password UNIX:
Reimmettere la nuova password UNIX:
passwd: password aggiornata correttamente
databackup User Created Successfully **********************************************************************************
7. Verrà quindi mostrata la licenza di servizio, premere per scorrere la licenza o “q” per uscire, quindi inserire y e premere per accettare la licenza
8. Inserire y e premere per confermare la creazione della home directory del nuovo utente databackup
Please type yes(y) or no(n) [y / n] y
/home/databackup directory has been created
Installation directory is readable, writable and executable. Proceeding with Installation…
9. Il programma di installazione verificherà la presenza di alcune librerie di sistema ed eventualmente le installerà
Checking C++ Run time library…
Now installing “libstdc++6:i386″. Please be Patient. It could take few minutes.
Please be patient. It could take few minutes. **********************************************************************************
Now installing “zlib1g:i686″. Please be Patient. It could take few minutes.
Please wait – Collabra DataBackup 4.4.0 Service Provider Edition is being installed!
10. Verrà richiesto con che nome si vuole identificare il sistema corrente sul backup server.
Inserire “n” e premere invio per confermare quello proposto dal programma di installazione o inserire “y” e poi il nome scelto per cambiarlo
DataBackup ID is the unique name with which your DataBackup installation is identified. By default, it takes your machine name as the DataBackup ID. But werecommend giving your email id as the DataBackup ID since your email ID is globally unique.
Do you want to identify your machine name other than hostname “computerName”
Enter DataBackup ID for Collabra DataBackup 4.4.0 Service Provider Edition computerName
11. Inserire le credenziali dell’utenza per l’accesso all’interfaccia di configurazione del software di backup: inserire un nome utente, la password e ripetere la password per verifica
Collabra DataBackup 4.4.0 Service Provider Edition Web Console Authentication
Enter Username and password for Collabra DataBackup 4.4.0 Service Provider Edition Web Console.
This is required while starting the Collabra DataBackup 4.4.0 ServiceProvider Edition Web Console.
Enter Username : admin
Enter Password :
Re-type Password :
Collabra DataBackup 4.4.0 Service Provider Edition Web Console user created. **********************************************************************************
12. Il programma richiede le porte di rete da usare per il backup: rispondere “n” per confermare quelle proposte
Backup Server Port is used by DataBackup to connect the server. UI
Communication Port is used for communication between DataBackup Web console and DataBackup Application.
You can configure these ports manually.
By default the value of
1. Backup Server Port is 32004
2. UI Communication Port is 32005. **********************************************************************************
Do you want to change these ports from default value [y/n] n
13. Il programma procederà all’installazione vera e propria e fornirà un riepilogo dei dati di installazione
Started unzipping to ‘/home/databackup/DataBackup’ directory…
Finished unzipping to ‘/home/databackup/Collabra/DataBackup’ directory
################# Started GUI ODBC Configuration ####################
################# Finished GUI ODBC Configuration ####################
**************Creating chroot setup**************
Copying files for creating chroot setup….
Finished copying files for creating chroot setup
**************Finished creating chroot setup**************
Finished installing precompiled binaries for the apache, gd and php
Collabra DataBackup 4.4.0 Service Provider Edition has been successfully installed!
Installation Details:
Installation Directory : /home/databackup
Apache Port : 6060
Script to start Collabra DataBackup 4.4.0 Service Provider Edition :
Script to stop Collabra DataBackup 4.4.0 Service Provider Edition
Collabra DataBackup 4.4.0 Service Provider Edition Web Console URL :
After installing the required run time library you can start DataBackup using the command
14. Infine verrà richiesta la modalità di avvio del software di backup: scegliere l’opzione 1
Do you want run DataBackup with ‘root’ user[1] or ‘databackup’ user[2] ?
Incase, if you want to backup root user files and folder then you might need to run DataBackup as root user. If you want to run DataBackup as non-root user, you might need to provide ‘databackup’ user with READ privileges to backup those files and folders.
choice[1/2] : 1